apricota edited by
Andrianna Campbell & Joanna Fiduccia
ISSN: 2576-0920
Secretary Press is pleased to announce the second issue of apricota, a new journal of modern and contemporary art history and criticism. apricota offers an antidote to the cool remove of many forums for art historical scholarship. It infuses its seriousness with a lively affection for the decorative, for kitsch, queerness, eccentricity, and otherness, and it seeks, like the color it names, to stand for identities and positions which are no less specific for being intermediary. Issue 1 is dedicated to the theme of fights, from the verbal spat to the gloves-off brawl. A fight is an event, a culmination of ill-feeling. It is a convergence that produces divisions into instigators and injured parties, though those categories can be upended over time; it is anecdotal and microhistorical, yet may catalyze broader historical struggles.