I see in the sea nothing except the sea. I don't see a shore. I don't see a dove.
Editor: Heather M. O'Brien
PubDate: 3/31/2015
ISBN: 9780988321458
Price: $18.99
Pages: 136
Literary Nonfiction. Middle Eastern Studies. Women's Studies. Art. Film. Through dialogue and reflection, an exhibition which took place at the Camera Club of New York in April 2014, I see in the sea nothing except the sea. I don't see a shore. I don't see a dove., is reconsidered. The document tells us nothing. Let's begin there. Now, what is the site? Is it here or is it there? How do we tell this story? A conscious choice is made to tell it otherwise—to mull over medial, memorial, technology dentition. That which is unseen begins to leak, and slowly we begin to see: blue, white, foam, waves. The tide is rising. Can we separate art and the way we choose to live? How do we rearrange our desires?